When you find yourself in the midst of correction, it is never the right time to assert that you will be victorious over it. It is ALWAYS the right time to repent and search for where there may be something... anything...between you and the Lord. Even if you find very little that needs correction, it is the heart posture the Lord is looking for. God humbles the proud and lifts up the humble. Always. The phrase "we will rebuild" is a literal tell-tale of false prophesy. Isaiah 9:8The Lord sent a word against Jacob, And it has fallen on Israel. 9All the people will know— Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria— Who say in pride and arrogance of heart: 10“The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.” 11Therefore the LORD shall set up The adversaries of Rezin against him, And spur his enemies on, 12The Syrians before and the Philistines behind; And they shall devour Israel with an open mouth. Fo...