Worshiping God In Our Imagination: Spirit and Truth
Faith means God isn't interested in you seeing HOW he is going to save your world/situation/dream/promise. God wants those who are His to see Him. He is the "how" of all of His promises. When God gives you a promise, learn to believe the promise, not the "how" you think God will use. Then you will be counted among the faithful, and protected from creating a false image of God. We see dimly. God sees clearly. He refuses to violate the boundary lines of or our heart. Your heart, or your mind, will, and emotions, is communicated with through your imagination. Ezekiel and Jeremiah are two great examples of how God practically communicates with man. Ezekiel traveled all over the middle east in his imagination, or what is called "in the Spirit," communing with God. We read His words thousands of years later because the Spirit of God testifies that what Ezekiel SAW was from God. Same is true of Jeremiah, Isaiah, David, Daniel, etc. Jeremiah 1:9-12 NKJV — T...