Bad News
There is something about human nature that desires to hear the best possible news. We generally don't like facing the truth of our situation if there is even a shred of evidence of something less harsh possibly being true! Ironically, my assignment from heaven mirrors my career assignment. In both spheres my job has been to tell people what they don't want to hear. I have been an environmental consultant delivering bad news for 18 years. At first I hated this aspect of my job. For the first 5 years I became so stressed out by the consequences of what I was finding and having to relay to my clients. Everything that happens underground is expensive...sometimes super me finding a potential problem was often met with hostility! I am "wired" to smile and get along with people...not cause problems...why would God lead me to such a tough assignment?! What I see now is that the lessons in human nature I have received are invaluable for a time of intensity. Over...