
Showing posts from June, 2016

Loss and Suffering

End time teaching often falls into two ditches: 1. It just prepares people to suffer 2. It numbs people to believe nothing bad will ever happen to them. Both of these types of teaching guarantee great loss and suffering. True end time teaching should teach you the answer to the trouble, not just how to deal with, or much worse, to ignore, the trouble. The return of Jesus will be "as in the days of Noah." Matthew 24:37“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38“For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39“and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Noah built an ark, and the flood that left the world suffering raised his boat above it. That is how the Great Tribulation will be... Some will be seen to have been so wise leading up to it, and some so foolish: Daniel 12:1“At that time...


I want God to pour out His Spirit all around my heart, in my family, in my Church, and in my city...I really have a vision for this happening. But, the truth is, I would do the same stuff whether He decided to answer in my generation or not...whether he decides to answer this week or next, this month or next, this year or next...I would carry myself the same way...reaching to grow in agreement with His leadership, reaching to grow in my understanding of worship, reaching to serve the helpless and innocent and hurting...reaching for more of Him in my matter whether it seemed small or big. I would do the same stuff because HE is worth it. Whether He answers or not, He is worth the reach. It is worth it to waste my life on Him, just to make sure He doesn't find me wasting my life when He be in it with Him is everything. It is easy to get caught up in whether or not God is, or is not, going to "do something"...the truth is, He is doing ever...

Fathers Day

My dad passed away about 11 years ago. I got my love for the outdoors from my dad. He loved to hunt and fish and to generally explore the outdoors. He never hesitated to take me with him....I can remember sitting In the woods on opening day, when I wasn't quite old enough to hunt, with a 20 gauge slug tucked into each of my boots in case I saw a deer (I'm pretty sure he knew I wouldn't). I inherited a couple of traits from my dad that have proven to be instrumental in my life: 1. My dad believed he could do anything he set his mind to...building, sports, figuring out, fixing things, etc. He would tell me " no one likes to help someone that won't at least try to do it themselves. You start doing and someone will always come along to help you.". This has been invaluable advice to me. I learned from my dad that I could start a business, or write a book, or preach... my dad did whatever he felt he should, and knew on the inside it would work out. 2. My dad had an ...

Worship Response

The perfect purpose of the 7 seals, the 7 trumpets, and the 7 bowls are to make worship the response of the earth to tribulation and trouble. Jesus is coming as a king and worship enthrones Him....He will come to a world that wants Him....a world in transition from rebel to wanting as they taste more and more what rebellion really is, which is death. Yes, portions of the earth will fight with weapons, but the earth will be in transition in favor of those who war with desire...with words of truth. The first four seals are the manifestation of mankind's inability to heal the body, keep peace, change the environment and provide for the poor apart for absolute loyalty to Jesus. The fifth seal is mankind fighting this truth directly, by martyring those who carry this truth in their mouths. This direct assault on hose speaking truth in backfires and produces the greatest prayer movement earth will ever see. The prayer movement birthed from martyrdom is answered from heaven in p...