Jesus is not passive, He is patient. Patience is strength. Passivity is weakness. There is a difference. Jesus doesn't 'cause His voice to be heard.' He is patient that truth, and only truth, will remain when the dust clears. Jesus won't 'break off a bruised reed.' He doesn't force anyone in, or out, of the truth. He waits for the natural process of truth to do it's work to heal or judge. Jesus won't 'quench a smoking flax.' He isnt worried about the mess and confusion created by someone trying to burn in the truth. He lets the fire take or go out...He trusts in truth and the desire for it or hatred of it to do it's work. This is the true light of love. Jesus doesn't force His will upon anyone, but His will, and only His will, is going to prevail. In this patience, Jesus will lead all people who remain in His ways forever...voluntarily. He won't have to convince ANYONE to stay loyal to truth...and He IS truth. Many want to argue t...