Sometimes, God will allow circumstances that offend the mind to expose the heart. This will often happen along the line of promises...I hear the Lord saying especially for those who have been given weighty promises. Sometimes the promise is given, yet all the circumstances seem to be flowing in the opposite way. This is the time that faith is chosen or abandoned. The real question is never "was the promise real?" the real question is "is the issuer of the promise reliable? Is the Father the Father faithful, powerful, and loving?" The Father's character is constant. He is always good. He is always faithful. Always perfectly powerful. What is inconsistent is my trust in who He says He is. The offending of the mind is intended to solidify the belief of the heart. If I will simply stand on who issued the promise, rather than what the wind and the waves say, I will move from faith to faith, glory to glory, strength to strength. God hates double-mindedness, ...