Appetite for Jesus
What do I look forward too? I am driven by my appetite...we all are. In the 80s the radio told me everyone was "workin' for the weekend." Since then I have set my sights on a variety of things that would make it all worth it...marriage, a career, pastimes like windsurfing or mountain biking, sharpening a golf game, coaching my kids teams, vacations...the list is so long...but the truth I have stumbled into is that there is only one thing that makes it worth it, there is only one thing I can put all my weight on, all my hope in...only one thing is the God of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. Everything else I have ever put my weight on has eventually become an anchor that has tried to drag me down. Those things can't lift me up for long, and eventually I have to lift them them more and more just to keep the spark alive...but God, the more I give Him, the more He gives back. Pressed down and running over. If I give Him the little love I have, love gr...