Jesus Loves You

Jesus loves you. God LOVES you. We start teaching our kids this as soon as they can talk. That is one of the most basic truths of our relationship with God, but I think it also the most unbelieved fact before us.

I have been wrestling for a few days with this exact issue. I believe God loves me, and I could tell someone else about His love for them in great detail. I could point them to the Psalms, or the prophets, the Exodus story, the story of Noah, the Gospels, the Epistles, or even Revelation and I could flood their ears with the amazing truth of God's love...but do I KNOW it for me?...I think the answer is "not really." But I REALLY need to. This needs to be priority number one. It can't wait any longer for me.

If I knew this, really knew it like I know my wife's love for me, or my kid's love for me...If I really knew it, then nothing could touch me. Worry, fear, scheme designed to slow me down, or bring me down, could touch me. Perfect loves casts out all fear.

You see, God is perfectly definition nothing is as powerful as God. He is also perfectly knowledgeable. He calls Himself the "alpha and omega.". He knows everything from A to Z, beginning to end. I KNOW these things. The Bible declares it, Jesus said it, and I have seen glimpses of it. It is easy for me to KNOW God is without limit in power and knowledge. If you add perfect love to that mix. Perfect knowledge, power, and love...they would make every object of that love untouchable...unreachable... except to the source of that power and love. No fear or worry could touch me if I could only settle those three things in my heart.

I KNOW He loves you, but do I KNOW He loves me? If I could settle that in my heart, then the sky is the limit. It IS true. I know it in my head...but I want God to make it KNOWN in my heart.

Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD , do not abandon those who search for you.

In John 17:23 Jesus said "I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. "

Jesus wants us to experience unity with each other, for sure, but He really wants us to experience such unity with Him that we would KNOW that God loves US as much as HE LOVES JESUS. Holy Spirit, please lead me deeper into knowing today.


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