Fear is not from God

It's funny to me how good my memory is when it comes to facts, even back to my childhood (my sisters might disagree :-) ), but how dull it is when it comes to faith. God has rescued me from so many seemingly "bad" situations, it would be impossible to list them all. Everything from being late for an important meeting (ok...numerous times) to the saving of my marriage that was about to fall apart because of my own selfishness.

Whenever it seems like I am in a scary spot in life, my mind rarely first goes to remembering all the times God has rescued me and turned my bad to good...it almost always first tries to grab onto fear. Imagining the worst of what might happen. Isn't that funny? That my mind would first run to some terrible non-reality, rather than remembering the amazing reality of God's ability to easily change my circumstances to being for me when they looked to be against me?!

Fear is not from God:

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

I don't have to try to be afraid, because it is a "flaming arrow" shot at me by the enemy army. I have to really try to remember all the times God has already turned my bad to good!

God wants us to remember the REALITY of His power. Not the enemy's attack of IMAGINARY fear. The challenging circumstances I am walking through right now are actually enlarging my capacity to carry more of God into the next situation. After He stretches me through this time, He will be filling me with more truth to remember and tell of His amazing and real power!

I am not going to let a spirit of fear of an imaginary future hang out with me. I am going to use the authority given to me to tell fear to get away from me in Jesus' name. Then I will remember the truth: that God has never let me fall, never let me down. No matter how hard my circumstances have ever looked, He has always come through in the end!

Psalm 107:43 Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the LORD .


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