End Time Babylon – Part 5
Saul - The King We Want The thread of Babylon runs throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Babylon has always represented what it first represented in Babel: the power of man apart from God. The wicked vinedressers who desire to remake the garden in their own strength, and break from the owner of the vineyard. Man mostly desires all the benefits of God’s leadership, called “life,” but wants those benefits outside of God’s leadership. Created satan wanted life on his own terms, apart from the Creator…and most people, even Christians, want that same thing in some degree. This is the darkness, the corruption of love, introduced to man’s heart by the virus from Tree of the Knowledge of Good AND Evil. The object of our years now…the 70 or 80 we get if we are blessed…is to work that virus out of our heart…to let God “reformat” our hearts by living the Sermon on the Mount. There is so much to talk about with regard to the spirit of Babylon, but for time’s sake, I am going to brush o...