Unity is the desire of Jesus' heart...which means it is the desire of God's heart. God is multi-membered unity....the three in one. For God to be love and be self-sufficient, He must be multi-membered. The Father and the Spirit fully and perfectly love the Son. The Son and the Father fully and completely love the Spirit, and the Spirit and the Son fully love the Father. This is a wholly consumed and wholehearted love. This is our God! The burning love of the fellowship of the trinity has always been, is now, and always will be. Man was created to share in that love. Man was made to be with God face to face, living in the glorious burning light of the fire of love...the Bride reflecting the glory of the Groom having legal dominion in the garden of fellowship. Only a denial of love...choosing to explore life outside of the fully consumed relationship God always intended...tasting evil...the absence of God's presence...broke the fellowship of love God desires. God still desire...