God is not looking for the strong. God is looking for the willing...for the loyal. Smallness is always a part of what God is doing. It is almost never in the "big" decisions that I am found faithful to believe and faithful to go forward in God. It's almost always in what begins seemingly small, sometimes the presumptive "no brainier" decisions that I find the greatest testing of my loyalty to the person of God. The principles of loyalty to God always bear fruit...positively or negatively. Seeds of faith and seeds of doubt both grow. The word of the Lord never returns to Him without fruit of some kind. 2018 is a year of judgment. Judgment is good. God is good, and his judgments bring life. In 2018, many doors are going to open to "say what God says, the way he says it", and to trust Him in the face of great resistance. It will start small....it will start in a manageable way....that is the test! The testing is in the fact that God lets big moments start...