Revelation is describing the exodus of God's people from an unjust man who considers himself a God. This is the story of Moses, and Daniel and His friends, Jesus, Peter and Paul. It is the story of the success of God's people despite great pressure. It is the book of "Acts II" on a global level. It is the story of supernatural signs and wonders following those willing to be thrown in the fire that the "fourth man", who looks like the Son of God might dwell in the furnace with us for a minute so that those watching would humble themselves. It is the story of the great commission finally being fulfilled! The story of Revelation is our story told in advance. It is the story of the wedding of the glorious Groom to the pure and spotless Bride who has "made herself ready" in the greatest time of tribulation earth has ever seen. Revelation 19:7-8 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made he...