My heart is breaking today to hear the push back against kids protesting in support of gun control.
I am not talking about gun control. I am talking about our kids.
Whether or not you agree with gun control, the truth is, the kids in our country need to have a voice. They need to be heard. My hope is not that they tow a party line. My prayer is that they aren't taught to diminish what is possible by well-meaning adults who are afraid of change. Change has to happen. Not in the form of gun control, IMO, but rather in the form of repentance, righteousness, and contending for a new heart for our culture.
If the church could hear the underlying fear and pain, and speak into the validity and righteousness of that cry....if we could add our voice in the same cry for righteousness, but lead by example to a better a more effective office... if we could generously and patiently give vision for where that cry is heard, we could see an entire generation start to see the truth of what Jesus paid for.
The exploitation of our young people for political expediency is heartbreaking. Both sides of the divide are guilty.
The truth is, the young people in our country from the 20s down to the grade school kids have been significantly misunderstood and/or disrespected by many in the church, and used for corporate and political gain by those outside the church. We complain about their phone usage, but give them phones. We mock their free thinking but encouraged them from the time they were babies that they could be different. We connected the world for them and then complain that they are overwhelmed with how dark it is.
With Billy Graham passing today, we should all take stock. Who is behind the wheel? Our moment of leadership will be SO short. Before we know it, the ones we calously hurl insults at in online forums and faceless comment spaces will be deciding our voice...our future.
These kids are our future. They are brilliant. They care very much about righteousness and truth. We should love that, no matter our politics.
They are full of zeal for change. It will be one of the greatest failures of the American church to fail to hear the pain and fear, and instead only hear an imagined enemy in the voices of our kids because we hate the oppostition so much. Jesus warned about becoming like our kids...
We don't wrestle with flesh and blood. I am praying we don't end up wrestling with our own futures in vain. Praying for the kids in our country to be heard, and for those of us responsible for this mess to humble ourselves before God and man and cry out to the one who can actually change this.
Praying the young people in our country can forgive me and my generation for our laziness to really go hard after God like their lives depended on it...because they always have.
Malachi 4:4-6 "Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. (5) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. (6) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.
I am not talking about gun control. I am talking about our kids.
Whether or not you agree with gun control, the truth is, the kids in our country need to have a voice. They need to be heard. My hope is not that they tow a party line. My prayer is that they aren't taught to diminish what is possible by well-meaning adults who are afraid of change. Change has to happen. Not in the form of gun control, IMO, but rather in the form of repentance, righteousness, and contending for a new heart for our culture.
If the church could hear the underlying fear and pain, and speak into the validity and righteousness of that cry....if we could add our voice in the same cry for righteousness, but lead by example to a better a more effective office... if we could generously and patiently give vision for where that cry is heard, we could see an entire generation start to see the truth of what Jesus paid for.
The exploitation of our young people for political expediency is heartbreaking. Both sides of the divide are guilty.
The truth is, the young people in our country from the 20s down to the grade school kids have been significantly misunderstood and/or disrespected by many in the church, and used for corporate and political gain by those outside the church. We complain about their phone usage, but give them phones. We mock their free thinking but encouraged them from the time they were babies that they could be different. We connected the world for them and then complain that they are overwhelmed with how dark it is.
With Billy Graham passing today, we should all take stock. Who is behind the wheel? Our moment of leadership will be SO short. Before we know it, the ones we calously hurl insults at in online forums and faceless comment spaces will be deciding our voice...our future.
These kids are our future. They are brilliant. They care very much about righteousness and truth. We should love that, no matter our politics.
They are full of zeal for change. It will be one of the greatest failures of the American church to fail to hear the pain and fear, and instead only hear an imagined enemy in the voices of our kids because we hate the oppostition so much. Jesus warned about becoming like our kids...
We don't wrestle with flesh and blood. I am praying we don't end up wrestling with our own futures in vain. Praying for the kids in our country to be heard, and for those of us responsible for this mess to humble ourselves before God and man and cry out to the one who can actually change this.
Praying the young people in our country can forgive me and my generation for our laziness to really go hard after God like their lives depended on it...because they always have.
Malachi 4:4-6 "Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. (5) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. (6) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.
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