Deeper in to Judgment?

Revelation 16:8Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire.
9And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.
10Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain.
11They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds.

The warnings to believers, and the testimony of the Bible, is that human nature is to respond to judgment with impatience, anger, resentment, depression, etc.

These emotions are all negative. Jesus doesn't share these ^ emotions.  That is how a believer is supposed to realize they are being led into more judgment, not less. These emotions should cause us to repent.

When we see the comfort of life being touched in a negative way that agrees with Biblical judgment, as believers we are supposed to "lift our heads" because it means our redemption is drawing near.

Luke 21:28“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
29Then He spoke to them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees.
30“When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near.
31“So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.

COVID 19, which is highlighting our lack of control over our own health and lives, the failure of governments all over the world to address health and financial crisis, an awareness of racial crisis... These are gifts from God!   These are "off-ramps" to self centered, material-based, delusional living that demands all the problems be solved impatiently.  Most people find someone to blame in all of this, rather than take the off-ramp.

The highway we are all speeding down is to the bowl judgments, and hell itself.  People will literally begin dying alive!  God will be the one removing life incrementally from human beings.

The lamb opens the seals. The angels of the lamb blow the trumpets and pour out the bowls. God is not ashamed of this...he is orchestrating it.

Right now, there is great confusion in the church.  We have failed to prepare for the events of our day by learning about what God is really like.  We've mostly fashioned our own "gods".  Household idols that care about our comfort now, our control of an endless supply of food, our control of an endless supply of security...  This is not the God of the Bible.

The God of the Bible is rescuing an earth that is destined for hell because of the rebellion if its human inhabitants.  He owes the earth nothing.  He made it and is within His rights to destroy it.  He has provided a way of escape called "repentance" which involves turning from our own leadership, thoughts, fears, and emotions, and learning to see things from God's perspective (lift your head).

We are mostly being shown our failure in this area of seeing things God's way as disaster cascades upon disaster.

Believe the Bible, it is about to get much, much, worse.  Stirring people up against the governor, the president, your least favorite figure head, etc... These will all make YOU a target for more judgment.  God is looking.

God has called man to daily bread.  If your plan to deal with scarcity right now is anything but repentance, trust, and praying, then you are literally walking away from Jesus.  He is equalizing the whole world to "daily provision". Consider manna in the desert for Israel during the Exodus, and the rules concerning it.  This is a New Testament reality!!

If you pray the Lord's prayer "give us our daily bread," but in your heart feel insecure without knowing where next months bread is coming from, you are deceived. You are rebelling against the faith of Jesus.  Just because everyone else is doesn't make it ok with God.  God requires your faith, without it you can't please Him (Hebrews 11).

Everyone will live on daily bread by the time God is finished with this generation.  

Not knowing where next week's food is coming from doesn't mean you are starving.  You aren't are just afraid of starving.  That is literally rebellion against the one who promises to feed every bird. If you are worried about next months rent, you aren't homeless or in financial ruin, you are afraid of it.  Repent.

Matthew 6:31“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32“For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
33“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
34“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

You can apply this to every fear and failure of man right now... Money, political wisdom, programs failing, church failing, jobs going away...  Most believers on the planet don't actually trust God.  He is fixing that right now by allowing our fears to manifest. If you want peace, repent.  If you want more trouble, then try to find a person to save you, or get mad at because they aren't saving you.  

Many are being removed from the family of God right now and are so self-focused they won't even realize it.

The wise see this and humble themselves.  The foolish curse man, and eventually God.

If you blame the government, you are falling in to Antichrist worship.

If you blame the dumb people around you, you are falling in to Antichrist worship.

If you blame the left, you are falling in to Antichrist worship.

If you blame the right, you are falling in to Antichrist worship.

If you see all these things and lift your head, you are responding to the narrow road of salvation.  You are following Jesus out of this mess.  He is the only one who knows how to extract you from hell.  If you won't humble yourself and admit where you don't fully follow him, he will allow more judgment to over take you.

This is the misunderstanding most Christians have:  They think, even though they have done very little to learn Jesus' voice, obey Him' and give their trust to Him, that they are somehow safe from judgment.  They aren't.  You FOLLOW Jesus to safety from judgment.  He won't make you stand with Him.  Where He stands is safe, everywhere else is already IN judgment. If you are not actively moving to trust Him more, act like Him more, give more, and take less, you are IN the cross hairs of learning this lesson the hard way, called judgment.

If you don't come out of the way the world thinks and does things, you are already judged.

Jesus is trying to lead you to safety.  He is orchestrating all of this unusual disruption just to save you.  Are you following?  If you are, you can tell by who you blame, what you fear, and what you believe.  If you are following, your head is lifting right now.  Your eyes are on Him, not the wind and the waves.


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