The test of a prophet is the repentance his or her word produces. Repentance simply means "agree with God." Vision gives incentive to actually make the hard choices to agree with God. The Bible calls this "putting on restraint." Proverbs 29:18Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law. Repentance is the fruit of the Word of the Lord, since all of God's words are designed to call us back from the fall...from rebellion against His role as Father in our lives. Jesus paid the price, but we must apply the payment...choice by choice. Prophecy gives us vision to stay in those choices...when we get glimpses of where obedience is taking us, we get excited about obedience....we put on restraint. False prophecy is a is vision for why we don't need to make any changes, or to make LAWLESS changes...usually impatiently running ahead of God into the promises without the necessary repentance. False prophec...