Learning To Breathe In The Atmosphere Of Faith
Ephesians 2:1-3 NKJV — And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
Your nature is one that invites wrath. So is mine.
There is a way that seems right to you that leads to death. It isn't in some areas that this is true. It is all areas that haven't been intentionally submitted to God.
The way God leads us is such that we come to the conclusion of our own weakness, not our own strength. If God is making you a better person, you still haven't really found Him.
If God is re-birthing you... Leading you to kill the you He found and let Him make a new creation... Then you are learning to live and love in a different atmosphere.
You were made to live in a purer light... To breathe faith, not air. You were made to have a heartbeat that pounded out the rythym of an anthem of trust, not doubt... Not the strength of man, but the weakness... The neadiness of man, and the solid reliability...steadfast perfect love... Of God.
That is actually the point of our lives... Not to save something that is, by nature, corrupt, but to voluntarily chose to, day by day, put to death the thing God found and be a partner with God in birthing something brand new. Not a better you, a completely different you.
Not better at living, perfect at being/feeling loved and then overflowing love.
The deeper you let God go, the more free.. The more "you," you will become. Satan stole you from the womb. The Bible is clear:
Psalm 51:5-6 NKJV — Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me. Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,
And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.
God is saving you only if you are willing to let Him rebirth you.
1 John 3:1-10 NKJV — Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.
To practically apply this, find your fears in an active conversation with God. What are you afraid of losing?... If it is anything but this chance to be reborn, you are still holding onto the earth.
To those who long to be reborn, the things that threaten our lives now are just opportunities to trust God. Can you believe all your trouble is really God orchestrating your best chance to be reborn in faith? Can you believe your enemies are really agents of the goodness of God sent to give you a chance to really trust God with something? Can you stop fighting your own rebirth with all the effort to save yourself, your family, your reputation, your rights... Your comfort?
This is rare air. In fact, it is faith that the saints breathe. They have learned to breathe under water as God envelops them... Baptises them... In the heavenly reality...
In the womb you breathe something different than you will when you are born. Your lungs are formed in the womb, but they aren't your only source of oxygen. Right now, if you can set your mind on the fact you will need faith forever, then that faith part of your heart can be formed.
If you are just hoping to make it through until you can stop trusting God, then you've missed the point of life. That isn't heaven. The place people don't trust God is hell. Heaven is full of faith. Your are picking to be formed for that place, or not, now!!!
Faith, hope, and love will remain. The choice to trust God will remain forever. That is the basis of the relationship. That IS heaven.
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