Transitional Generations
The United States is rushing towards a "fiscal cliff" of some magnitude, but much more importantly, the world is rushing toward the "valley of decision." In the Bible there are three transitional generations: the generation of the first covenant with God (Moses' generation), the generation of the New Covenant (the generation of the book of Acts) and the generation of the renewal of all things (the generation that sees Jesus' return). The first two transitional generations are a matter of fact. We see their stories in the Bible, and we see their mark on the world around us. These two generations completely changed the world they were born into. The Bible says the third transitional generation will see the power of the first two combined, and then multiplied at a global level. Jesus and the prophets gave us the signs to look for, and since 1948 these signs have been occurring with more and more frequency and intensity. Jesus said when you see all these things ...