Who do You Say I am

God isn't worried or afraid, hoping one of His people comes through to save the day. He isn't watching world events unfold, waiting for the right moment to intervene...He isn't trading blows with the devil, back and forth winning, then in retreat. No! God is executing a plan written from the foundation of the world. A plan, that in His love, includes me and includes you if we will simply say yes to Him.

For many, there is a yes in our heart, but a spirit of doubt whispers weakness in our ears. We see progress, we see the Lord's faithfulness, we tell others how to be confident in His love...but do we allow it to actually penetrate our heart. Do we go to Him for a new measure of confidence in His love?! It is one thing to say the words that are true, and entirely another to stand on them.

Jesus asked His disciples once "who do you say I am?" I believe right now He is asking the same question of those who are His. Those with sincere hearts, those who seek Him out with weakness but sincerity. The enemy whispers doubt about our strength, but Jesus has never required strength. He has only ever required sincerity and willingness. So He looks at His beloved, those who have chosen to be named of His name and He asks "who do YOU say I am?".

This morning I hear Him as He answers for us:

"I AM the bright morning star, the Lion who chose to be a Lamb. The perfect image of the Father's heart. I am gentle and kind, yet possess the strength to calm a sea with a word, create light from nothing, move mountains literally with words, measure every nuance of every thought in the span of all time. I own it all, and long to share it with you. If I am for you, who could be against you. What would I do with a man or woman like you? What would someone as wise, and kind, and as powerful as Me do with a heart like yours, one that is for Me? Won't I set you on a rock? Won't I make you secure? Won't I teach many through you?! For the sake of who I AM won't I be SURE to do all the things? And yet I possess perfect love. One look from you captures My heart. You have it made...nothing is broken. Receive confidence in love from the Author of Love today. Speak confidence in My love to others, but be sure to receive it yourself, as well. Cast out doubt over others, but be sure to cast it off of yourself as well. Honor Me by asking me with boldness for a new measure of confidence in My love today, before you leave the house.

Who do you say I am?"

I believe this is the word of the Lord for many who sincerely love Him this am.


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