The Times of Great Tribulation

Time, times and half a time
42 months
1260 days

I have come to believe that these expressions of 3.5 years are similar, but not the same. I haven't always thought this. As time goes on, the information in Daniel is being unsealed. 

Daniel 12:4“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

I believe these time frames are stated differently, because they are for different testings and different ministries. Just as Jesus ministered for 3.5 years so will those who are wise and shine like the stars in heaven (Dan 12:3).

I believe these mark the seals, trumpets and bowls in a way. Though it is in their relationship to each other that these events must be understood. The seals take years, the trumpets are measured in months, and the bowls in days.

I believe these descriptions in time grow in precision. Times, time, and half a time is describing years and half years. 42 months becomes more precise, yet months are different between cultures. 1260 days is very precise. A day is a day across the earth. Like a baby being born, the time gets more precise and consequential as the new joy and glory arrives in the midst of tribulation.

I believe these times three concentric circles.

I believe one is for the church, one is for Israel and one is for the Bride.

I dont really understand it, but I want a soft heart to see more as the time unfolds and as the book is unsealed.

The Pharisees missed Jesus because they taught an understanding of prophecy that Jesus didn't believe.

All prophecy is understood in hindsight. Jesus puts the word out ahead of us so we have to talk to him about it and let that word work to change us. Then when it is fulfilled, we embrace all the change it produced. I have seen this over and over as the words and dates and truths he speaks to me change me and mature me and refine me...more and more I learn to hear his voice and embrace his peace and patience:

John 13:19“Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He.

I don't want to be so rigid in what I have taught and learned that I stop learning.

Even so, come.


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