
There is so much God wants to do in my life. Every longing and dream He has placed in my heart He longs to fill….but He patiently waits for my agreement. Like I am waiting for my sons to see that I know what I am talking about! The dignity He has placed in people…in our free will. It is truly astounding. Our agreement matters. He won’t force His will on us. He may hem me in out of love, but He refuses to force me to choose His way or see things His way.

Jesus didn’t create us to serve God as workers or soldiers, but to live with Him in the closest way. He placed Adam and Eve in the garden to spend time with them, to give them purpose and meaning in partnership with Him. In their agreement with Him was the promise of a full life forever. A father and His sons and daughters, living lives of meaning and purpose, in an abundance of resources and love.

Like the wisest of dads, God knows how to lead me into a full and meaningful life... a life of true accomplishment and purpose. Like any immature son, it takes time for me to see the ways of my father are good and right. Like any good dad, God wants me to acquire and enjoy true wealth. The wealth of love, peace, meaning, fulfillment and purpose... what He says is treasure. Like any immature son, it takes time for me to see what my Father values is real treasure.

The more I agree with Him about what is true and valuable, and what is cheap and worthless, the more I walk into real life….Life in full. But because He has made me to be a real person, I must have real choices, and real consequences, real choices for love or hate, real choices to honor the wisdom of my father or choose my own immature way…He patiently waits for my agreement with Him. He longs to give me what He knows I will eventually really cherish.

John 10:10 The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.


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