
God has plans for me, and He has plans for you. He has whispered them in my ears over the years, glimpses of what I hope for. He has refined the vision of what I desire, and brought me closer and closer to His desire for me.

The plans God has for you were formed before you were born. Free will requires that we have a choice in whether or not we want His plans or ours. Often we choose a mix between the two. I get a glimpse of what is available to me, and rather than wait for the One that knows the whole plan to work it out, I begin striving in the direction of where I think He and I are heading.

God gave a parable to Isaiah about this. He likened it to being a farmer. God, the author of wisdom, doesn't constantly plow the field (us). If we will let Him, He knows perfectly how to prepare, plant, grow, and harvest what we desire. But only He knows how to grow the harvest that will satisfy the desire He has placed in my heart. Preparing the soil, applying the right amount of water and fertilizer at the right time, then harvesting the fruit of His labor at just the right takes God's knowledge for all of that to come together!

If we will wait on Him to prepare the field, we can trust that He will produce the perfect harvest in us. If we don't wait on God, we will get less than what the master farmer could produce. We want to be patient and pressed into God as He prepares us for what is next. We can't make His plans speed up any more than a farmer can make the corn grow faster...but we can cooperate with Him while He is preparing us:

Isaiah 28:23 Listen to what I am saying; pay attention to what I am telling you. 24 Farmers don't constantly plow their fields and keep getting them ready for planting. 25 Once they have prepared the soil, they plant the seeds of herbs such as dill and cumin. They plant rows of wheat and barley, and at the edges of their fields they plant other grain. 26 They know how to do their work, because God has taught them. 27 They never use a heavy club to beat out dill seeds or cumin seeds; instead they use light sticks of the proper size. 28 They do not ruin the wheat by threshing it endlessly, and they know how to thresh it by driving a cart over it without bruising the grains.

29 All this wisdom comes from the LORD Almighty. The plans God makes are wise, and they always succeed.


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