The Kingdom

The Kingdom of Heaven is sparkling with fascinating places to explore. It is vast, beautiful, exciting, and complex. It is full of priceless treasure there for the taking. Things like wisdom, revelation of God's plans for you, insight into His word, will, and ways. Fascination with Jesus is there, and so is love for others. Humility can be found there, and the strength to resist sin and darkness. Growing in the authority of Jesus' name is possible there, too. Not to mention anointed prayer and worship, and spending time in God's presence.

I picture the Kingdom of God as sparkling with beauty, green with life, and warm red with fiery desire for the things our heart is just wired to experience. Every pleasure in the natural realm is a counterfeit of the true pleasure in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The first Apostles knew this. They saw the kingdom as more real than the temporary fallen natural realm. That is why they were so happy to endure persecution. They knew Jesus, and they knew their place in the Kingdom. They were fascinated by the "things above" and not fascinated with the temporary things available to their natural eyes.

Jesus wants His followers to enter in to the vast Kingdom, to eat the food there, and enjoy the rest and fascination there. It is in the Kingdom we find strength to endure our mission in the natural realm. But so many of us have no idea what the Kingdom is, or how to access it. When we accept Jesus as the sacrifice for our sin, we are given access to the kingdom, but most of us stand at the gate, looking at the world. We want the kingdom security, but we hunger for the world's fascination. It is like we stand just inside the gate of the kingdom with our eyes on the outside world, with our backs to the beautiful view.

If we would just turn around and look at what is available in the Kingdom, the world's counterfeit pleasure would be so uninteresting. We look at the "TV dinner" and think it looks so delicious, only because we have never tasted the "home cooked meal" in the kingdom!

When I got my first glimpses of the free treasure in the kingdom a couple of years ago, I realized that all the things I long for are actually there, not here. We obtain the treasure in the kingdom just by asking for it, and setting our determination to "ask until we receive."

Jesus was angry with the religious leaders of His day because they wouldn't enter in to the Kingdom, and they also prevented others from entering in. They wanted to keep things under control, and wanted the others to see things their way. When we don't enter into the kingdom ourselves, we actually make it harder for those around us to see the possibilities there.

I want to be in the world, but not of it. Like a kid who has found a trail behind his house into a vast woods full of excitement, I keep sneaking away to get more from the kingdom. Anyone who has given their lives to Jesus can go in too!

Matthew 23: 13 "What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people's faces. You won't go in yourselves, and you don't let others enter either.

Luke 18:17 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it."


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