The Mark of the Beast is not About What You Don't Do

Many people speculate what the mark of the beast is: biometrics, wearables, chips, etc. (I obviously have an opinion myself)

However, almost no one talks about the very clear Biblical answer to the mark of the beast.
The mark of the beast isn't really about what you "don't do!" Many people think the only thing that we need to worry about is taking the mark. That is completely wrong. The mark of the beast is about what you DO to get ready. Believers who don't get ready will mostly succumb to the mark.

The mark of the beast is one of the main end time challenges, and all of the end time challenges require an advanced response ... Before one is obviously needed.

Luke 12:40 NKJV — “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Think Noah's ark. If Noah waited until it started raining to build a boat, he would have drown. All of the end time challenges are the same way. Jesus' kingdom is one of addition, not subtraction. It is never enough to refrain from an activity when following Jesus. It is always required to get more of the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We should always be growing in freedom and obedience.

The answer to the time when government will require you to submit to it's provisioning system globally is barreling towards us. Some are already in the initial stages of it, like China and India. Even America, I believe, has the number. I mean, look at the symbology on our money!

evelation 13:17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Why does no one ever mention the "ors" of Revelation 13:17 and only focus on the mark? What about the number, or the name?! All three, the number, the name, and the mark cooperate to lead mankind into delusion and to making the beast their god!

In order to escape the anti-Christ provisioning system, you have to get in to the kingdom provisioning system. You do this by learning freedom from a dependence on, and love of, money. The Bible calls this "generosity."

For the last couple of months I've been teaching on various aspects of the the Biblical Church in the generation that sees Jesus return. The end time church is extravagantly generous, which means it is pure and spotless in the area of money, and also means it is free from the dangers of the mark of the beast.

Looking forward to teaching on the mark of the beast Sunday at Lighthop.


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