Victory Over the Mark of the Beast

The passage from Proverbs 30:5-9 that I quote below is the heart attitude that has victory over the Mark of the Beast. From Genesis to Revelation, God requires his children let him be their daily provider. 

Learn this now, while there is time. Great financial shaking is at the door. Strong delusion will lead many currently in the church to compromise because of fear of lack for themselves and their families. Learn gratitude and generosity now by simply telling God you are sorry for not trusting him to provide every day and thankful for what he does provide. This will begin to free your heart!

The enemy can't kill what is already dead. If you have already dealt with the money issue in the ways you can today (you can tell by your growing generosity, lack of anxiety over money, and freedom to obey God in the area of money), there is very little foothold for the enemy to get in your heart in the area of money.

The mark of the beast is a scheme to financially control the worship of the Earth, by co-opting the anxiety over provision, jealousy for wealth and power, and materialism that is growing in the earth, and especially the Church, right now.

Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure;
He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
6 Do not add to His words,
Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.
7 Two things I request of You
(Deprive me not before I die):
8 Remove falsehood and lies far from me;
Give me neither poverty nor riches—
Feed me with the food allotted to me;
9 Lest I be full and deny You,
And say, “Who is the LORD?”
Or lest I be poor and steal,
And profane the name of my God.


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