Spiritual Boredom is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Spiritual boredom is self-fulfilling prophecy. Those who think God is boring, will find Him boring and then begin moving to not be bored...over time, He just becomes more boring as they become more distant. The main reason the church lacks holiness and power is because we see God as so small, and following Him not as fascinating as what the world offers. We slap His name on our quest for earthly relevance, riches, and power, and then wonder why no one seeks the Lord with zeal. We would rather win Him the world, not realizing we are forfeiting our souls. When we gather bored, when we bring it inside the Body, church becomes just another social gathering with plenty of open space for Satan to roam. We are good at pretending to not be bored, but few of us are just hoping for a few moments to just gaze in the beauty of God together and then let that beauty of humility, self control, generosity... The beauty of holiness... actually lead us to holiness. Psalm 96:5 For all the gods of th...