God Lives Inside of You

(John 14:16) And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.

Jesus told the disciples that when He went to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, He would send the Holy Spirit to live in people who were His. If Jesus is your savior, the Holy Spirit...the living God....lives inside of you.

I have heard this for many years, but today I think God revealed something to me! I often get in a mode where I am slightly worried about things...anxious about things...whether it is my health, or my resources, or if I am following God's plans in the right way...whatever. But I heard in my heart today: If the living God is dwelling IN me, then what do I have to fear? If He is dwelling in me, then I am His "temple." Jesus said he would NEVER leave me. Would He let His temple fall apart before His plan is complete? Would He allow His temple to not have everything it needed? Would He, if He is actually with me, let me miss His plan on accident?! No way.

If you have the living God inside of you, YOU HAVE IT MADE! Whatever you are worrying about today is not worth your time if you have the Holy Spirit inside of you!


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