God's Beauty

Revelation 4 says that God the Father is right now sitting on a physical throne in heaven. He is shining brightly, like a gemstone. The brightness is a fiery red, which indicates His burning desire. He is passionate about His plans, His creation...He is passionate about you. Around His throne is an "emerald rainbow." The rainbow is God's chosen symbol of mercy (think Noah’s ark). Green symbolizes life. Every shade of green is present in this rainbow. Bright, fiery red and merciful green. Passion, and life, and mercy. There is thunder and lightning all around Him. Power mixed with His mercy and passion! And His throne is surrounded by people and angels according to Revelation 4. God isn't dealing with people, He made us because He wants us around Him. Close to Him. If you are wondering whether or not God feels this way about you, the answer is Yes. If He created you, then He feels this way about you. He isn't waiting for you to do it all right before He loves you with His passionate and powerful mercy. Revelation 4:11 says He created you because it pleased Him! You are the only you He will ever make. Only you can respond to Him the way you do. He is inviting you into more of Him, but He won't force you. He is just waiting to hear your "yes." Jesus made the way for us to access this throne anytime we want. He sits at the right side of the Father. Because of Jesus you can confidently talk to the Father on the throne anytime.

4:11 "You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased."


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