The tribulation temple and false peace - Part 2
The current push towards peace in Israel is one of the major signs of the times and few understand the complexities of the prophecy, or the IMPLICATIONS of the current news. When man-made peace is made in Israel, and it WILL happen, it will change the entire globe, nearly overnight. MOST people...most Christian leaders...don't understand how quickly peace in Israel will change the world. It will suddenly cause "civil wars" between Christians and non-christians all over the world. Let me explain, but to do that, I need to lay the groundwork:
The entire scenario we are watching develop is like a very complex game of Chess that mankind is playing with God. We are in some of the final moves. The Bible actually tells us the moves in advance, and soon, there will be a move that is irreversible. That move IS the establishment of a seven year peace treaty in Israel. When mankind makes that move, the kingdom of God will say "check." That move of mankind will initiate a series of events that must happen. A 7-year peace agreement will start the seven year period of tribulation for the world, that will be marked by two distinct halves: the tribulation is first 3.5 years, and the "great tribulation" is the second 3.5 years.
The earth has never seen anything like the great tribulation. The tribulation will make World War II look like a small schirmish, although, according to the Bible, it will be characterized by many of the same aspects globally as World War II: widespread persecution of the jews, global war, at least two coalitions of nations scheming against each other. This time, there won't be a good earthly military. The Allied Forces won't be the good guys, and the good guys won't be fighting with weapons. This time, the good guys will be the night and day praying Bride of Jesus, and the weapons will be "prayer to music."
The coalitions of nations is important to understand, but it takes some focus. Most of modern culture has a hard time focusing on anything that isn't immediately important, so most haven't taken the time to figure out these SUPER important details...these are life and death details, so I challenge you to take a minute and pay attention:
Daniel 7, Daniel 9, Daniel 11, and Revelation 17 and 18, and Ezekiel 38 and 39 would be the keys to understanding the two coalitions of nations that will be most prominent in the earth at the time the peace is made. These coalitions are happening right now for the first time ever! The reason understanding these complex prophecies is so important is because this is happening in real time today. If this isn't the time the Bible describes, then God is going to have to re-orchestrate something similar to the exact events we are seeing in the news today...the problem is, most people aren't watching the news, and even fewer have taken the time to study or teach these prophecies, and so MOSTLY no one sees the dramatic fulfillment of prophecy taking place right before their eyes.
Once you see the alignment of the two coalitions, it should wake you up to the fact that the tribulation's start is, I believe, months or years away, and not decades, as many assume. This series of events prophesied in the Bible HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. You really don't want to miss this. Many assume "it will all work out"....and it will...but, how it works out for you is entirely dependent on "watching" and "being ready."
(Let me say plainly, the biggest component of "being ready" is building night and day prayer in an "all-in" committed way. This is the context Jesus will us so that the Body of Jesus in your geographic area is walking in a common united purpose to release the weapons that are effective in winning spiritual wars: singing and prayer. This isn't my idea, this is simply the truth of the Bible from Jericho to Revelation. God set many precedents of worshipers leading the armies of God, and the last battle is completely won by worship....but, that is a story for another day.)
Ok, so back to the two coalitions of nations. The Bible describes two distinct coalitions of nations emerging in the earth. One organized by the "prince who is to come"...that is the antichrist, and the other being the coalition of Gog in Ezekiel 38 and 39. These both emerge at the same time.
The antichrist coalition, described mostly in the Daniel 7 and 11 prophecies and Revelation 17 and 18, will include the last global superpower (called in the Bible the "Harlot Babylon"...I believe, for several reasons, that this is the US) who "appears" to be aligned with Israel, but oddly enough is also aligned with Israel's worst enemies who are bent on reviving a global Islamic Caliphate, which was the last global superpower before them, called the Ottoman Empire. This coalition includes Syria and Egypt, Jordan, and at least 7 other countries committed to the rebuilding of an Islamic caliphate. The organization currently in the earth that is committed to this idea is the Muslim Brotherhood. This is well documented in the news and in the records from the "Holy Land Trials" in which the Muslim Brotherhood and ISNA (the brotherhood's american arm) were thoroughly uncovered in their agenda. (…/Holy_Land_Foundation_for_Relief…). If you go to the tab titled "an exploratory memorandum" you will see that our "friends" that we are almost exclusively partnering with in Egypt, Libya, and now Syria...actually want to make our entire country Muslim and take over the world. (Just to be clear, the antichrist is not Muslim, as many suppose. He believes he is God, a "humanistic messiah" for the world, just like Hitler believed:…/hitler-messiah-complex-secret-… . The antichrist "uses" Islam to advance his own agenda, just like he will use many Christians )
This is all prophesied. This coalition of nations is the 4th beast of Daniel 7, the feet and toes of Daniel 2, and the 8th empire of Revelation 17. I won't parse all of that out right now, but the simple gist of this concept is that the leader of the last global superpower uses a coalition of conscripted Arab peoples to do his bidding in the Middle East, just like Nero, the Roman emperor, did in 70 AD. Actually, Josephus & Tacitus tell us that in 70 AD nearly all the 'Roman soldiers' who defeated Jerusalem, tore down the 2nd Temple, and killed over a million Jews were of Syrian, Egyptian and other Mideast descent. Titus, Nero's general, conscripted Syrian Roman legions, like most of the Roman army conscripted local people. (This is well-documented in Joel Richardson's book "Mideast Beast").
We can see this happening again today, as the Muslim Brotherhood capitalizes on a wave of hope and change known as the "Arab Spring." In fact, in stunning prophetic fulfillment, the Arab Spring has already subdued two leaders in the Middle East: Egypt's Hosni Mubaraka and Libya's Ghaddaffi...and is diligently working on getting rid of Syrian President Bashar Assad! These events fulfill two important prophecies, my comments are in parenthesis:
Daniel 9:26-27 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah (Jesus) shall be cut off (crucified), but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come (antichrist is the prince, the people would be the Arab conscripts bent on the destruction of Israel) Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary (this happened in 70 ad)...
(Break in time inserted here until the last "week"...the last 7 years... begins. The last 7 years is the foretold tribulation)
...The end (the tribulation, or last week) of it (of the 70 week prophecy) shall be with a flood (comes suddenly), And till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he (the antichrist) shall confirm a covenant with many (this is the peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors) for one week (7 years); But in the middle of the week (3.5 years into it) He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering (the temple is rebuilt and Israel is back in the land after being scattered and wiped out in the last verse. This began stunningly overnight in 1948 and will conclude with the peace treaty that allows building the tribulation temple). And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” (this long sentence means basically, "the antichrist's defilement of the temple with an image of himself is going to wreak havoc on his empire and all who align with him.")
Here is the other prophetic passage being fulfilled by the Arab Spring and the odd connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and the current global superpower:
Daniel 7:23-25 “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces. The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom (these are the leaders of 10 countries committed to the same vision as the Muslim Brotherhood...a revived Islamic Caliphate). And another shall rise after them (this is the antichrist. His country is younger and different than the others); He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings (one guy is basically responsible for the replacement of three middle eastern leaders). He shall speak pompous words (he'll be arrogant) against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.
So this is the first coalition of nations. From Daniel 11:40-45, we find out Syria and Egypt are the two key partners antichrist has, and that, at the beginning of the "great tribulation"...half way into the peace agreement, the turn on the antichrist and attack his troops in Israel.
The entire scenario we are watching develop is like a very complex game of Chess that mankind is playing with God. We are in some of the final moves. The Bible actually tells us the moves in advance, and soon, there will be a move that is irreversible. That move IS the establishment of a seven year peace treaty in Israel. When mankind makes that move, the kingdom of God will say "check." That move of mankind will initiate a series of events that must happen. A 7-year peace agreement will start the seven year period of tribulation for the world, that will be marked by two distinct halves: the tribulation is first 3.5 years, and the "great tribulation" is the second 3.5 years.
The earth has never seen anything like the great tribulation. The tribulation will make World War II look like a small schirmish, although, according to the Bible, it will be characterized by many of the same aspects globally as World War II: widespread persecution of the jews, global war, at least two coalitions of nations scheming against each other. This time, there won't be a good earthly military. The Allied Forces won't be the good guys, and the good guys won't be fighting with weapons. This time, the good guys will be the night and day praying Bride of Jesus, and the weapons will be "prayer to music."
The coalitions of nations is important to understand, but it takes some focus. Most of modern culture has a hard time focusing on anything that isn't immediately important, so most haven't taken the time to figure out these SUPER important details...these are life and death details, so I challenge you to take a minute and pay attention:
Daniel 7, Daniel 9, Daniel 11, and Revelation 17 and 18, and Ezekiel 38 and 39 would be the keys to understanding the two coalitions of nations that will be most prominent in the earth at the time the peace is made. These coalitions are happening right now for the first time ever! The reason understanding these complex prophecies is so important is because this is happening in real time today. If this isn't the time the Bible describes, then God is going to have to re-orchestrate something similar to the exact events we are seeing in the news today...the problem is, most people aren't watching the news, and even fewer have taken the time to study or teach these prophecies, and so MOSTLY no one sees the dramatic fulfillment of prophecy taking place right before their eyes.
Once you see the alignment of the two coalitions, it should wake you up to the fact that the tribulation's start is, I believe, months or years away, and not decades, as many assume. This series of events prophesied in the Bible HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. You really don't want to miss this. Many assume "it will all work out"....and it will...but, how it works out for you is entirely dependent on "watching" and "being ready."
(Let me say plainly, the biggest component of "being ready" is building night and day prayer in an "all-in" committed way. This is the context Jesus will us so that the Body of Jesus in your geographic area is walking in a common united purpose to release the weapons that are effective in winning spiritual wars: singing and prayer. This isn't my idea, this is simply the truth of the Bible from Jericho to Revelation. God set many precedents of worshipers leading the armies of God, and the last battle is completely won by worship....but, that is a story for another day.)
Ok, so back to the two coalitions of nations. The Bible describes two distinct coalitions of nations emerging in the earth. One organized by the "prince who is to come"...that is the antichrist, and the other being the coalition of Gog in Ezekiel 38 and 39. These both emerge at the same time.
The antichrist coalition, described mostly in the Daniel 7 and 11 prophecies and Revelation 17 and 18, will include the last global superpower (called in the Bible the "Harlot Babylon"...I believe, for several reasons, that this is the US) who "appears" to be aligned with Israel, but oddly enough is also aligned with Israel's worst enemies who are bent on reviving a global Islamic Caliphate, which was the last global superpower before them, called the Ottoman Empire. This coalition includes Syria and Egypt, Jordan, and at least 7 other countries committed to the rebuilding of an Islamic caliphate. The organization currently in the earth that is committed to this idea is the Muslim Brotherhood. This is well documented in the news and in the records from the "Holy Land Trials" in which the Muslim Brotherhood and ISNA (the brotherhood's american arm) were thoroughly uncovered in their agenda. (…/Holy_Land_Foundation_for_Relief…). If you go to the tab titled "an exploratory memorandum" you will see that our "friends" that we are almost exclusively partnering with in Egypt, Libya, and now Syria...actually want to make our entire country Muslim and take over the world. (Just to be clear, the antichrist is not Muslim, as many suppose. He believes he is God, a "humanistic messiah" for the world, just like Hitler believed:…/hitler-messiah-complex-secret-… . The antichrist "uses" Islam to advance his own agenda, just like he will use many Christians )
This is all prophesied. This coalition of nations is the 4th beast of Daniel 7, the feet and toes of Daniel 2, and the 8th empire of Revelation 17. I won't parse all of that out right now, but the simple gist of this concept is that the leader of the last global superpower uses a coalition of conscripted Arab peoples to do his bidding in the Middle East, just like Nero, the Roman emperor, did in 70 AD. Actually, Josephus & Tacitus tell us that in 70 AD nearly all the 'Roman soldiers' who defeated Jerusalem, tore down the 2nd Temple, and killed over a million Jews were of Syrian, Egyptian and other Mideast descent. Titus, Nero's general, conscripted Syrian Roman legions, like most of the Roman army conscripted local people. (This is well-documented in Joel Richardson's book "Mideast Beast").
We can see this happening again today, as the Muslim Brotherhood capitalizes on a wave of hope and change known as the "Arab Spring." In fact, in stunning prophetic fulfillment, the Arab Spring has already subdued two leaders in the Middle East: Egypt's Hosni Mubaraka and Libya's Ghaddaffi...and is diligently working on getting rid of Syrian President Bashar Assad! These events fulfill two important prophecies, my comments are in parenthesis:
Daniel 9:26-27 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah (Jesus) shall be cut off (crucified), but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come (antichrist is the prince, the people would be the Arab conscripts bent on the destruction of Israel) Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary (this happened in 70 ad)...
(Break in time inserted here until the last "week"...the last 7 years... begins. The last 7 years is the foretold tribulation)
...The end (the tribulation, or last week) of it (of the 70 week prophecy) shall be with a flood (comes suddenly), And till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he (the antichrist) shall confirm a covenant with many (this is the peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors) for one week (7 years); But in the middle of the week (3.5 years into it) He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering (the temple is rebuilt and Israel is back in the land after being scattered and wiped out in the last verse. This began stunningly overnight in 1948 and will conclude with the peace treaty that allows building the tribulation temple). And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” (this long sentence means basically, "the antichrist's defilement of the temple with an image of himself is going to wreak havoc on his empire and all who align with him.")
Here is the other prophetic passage being fulfilled by the Arab Spring and the odd connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and the current global superpower:
Daniel 7:23-25 “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces. The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom (these are the leaders of 10 countries committed to the same vision as the Muslim Brotherhood...a revived Islamic Caliphate). And another shall rise after them (this is the antichrist. His country is younger and different than the others); He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings (one guy is basically responsible for the replacement of three middle eastern leaders). He shall speak pompous words (he'll be arrogant) against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.
So this is the first coalition of nations. From Daniel 11:40-45, we find out Syria and Egypt are the two key partners antichrist has, and that, at the beginning of the "great tribulation"...half way into the peace agreement, the turn on the antichrist and attack his troops in Israel.
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