Much to Do

So, I imagined "what if someone asked me about the "MUCH to do" thing, and I made a quick list of how I would answer...if you had no idea by what I meant about "MUCH to do," here it is. Not an exhaustive list, but what I could scratch out in a few minutes. Plenty to get started on for me. I am convicted to contend for a new reach:

1. Build a 24/7 House of Prayer – This IS Jesus primary end time plan for local geographic areas to come together in one accord tear their hearts in repentance, and see the land blessed and protected, the Spirit poured out on all flesh, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord being saved. (Joel 2, Amos 9, Leviticus 26, Acts 2, Revelation 6 and 7). Places that build night and day worship will be lands of Goshen..where the end-time judgments will not touch and the enemy armies will not prevail… in the judgment coming to every nation of the earth.

2. Contend earnestly to live the Sermon on the Mount.

a. Contend for holiness – recognize my poverty, mourn the difference between where I am and where I want to be, and then receive that increase with humility, let that build a cycle of hunger and thirst, meekness, peace, and self control. Jesus said those who do and teach this will be great (Matthew 5:19). Daniel 12:3 says that those who do this in the last generation will lead many to righteousness and shine like the stars in heaven forever. (Matthew 5, 6, and 7)

b. Learn to give all of my money away – this is the primary manipulation tool the enemy will use to get people to worship the antichrist: taking away all of their accumulated wealth. If my heart isn’t comfortable with giving all of it away right now, it will be very difficult to choose an invisible Jesus when a tangible government is threatening me with no income or means. Now is the time to live in supernatural provision. I don’t want to cram for this test. (Revelation 13)

c. Learn to resist offense – The enemy wants to divide the Bride because her unity commands the blessing of God (Psalm 133). Dying to my own agenda now removes the primary tool…self-focus…the enemy uses to create division.

d. Learn to give all my time away – the spaces I carve out for myself only make a. and b. harder to do,

e. Fast secretly – this places my heart before the Father and removes distractions so I can reach with intensity to God. Time is of the essence, and fasting speeds everything up. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, as well as Daniel, were able to stand up to Nebuchadnezzar and Darius because the fasted in advance of the trouble (Daniel 1). These are end-times stories (the entire Book of Daniel).

f. Pray secretly and earnestly – praying brings heaven to earth, praying with zeal does this even more so. Praying is the primary role of the Bride in covering Israel, protecting her cities, and releasing the judgments in agreement with God as the end-time “Moses.”

3. Raise up a end-time generation of those who will follow the lamb wherever He goes – Revelation 14 promises that in the middle of the most perverse generation – those who are earnestly seeking points 1 and 2 will give a vision of life to their kids that will leave them with a unique desire for consecration. Just as America currently has a sports culture that we are willing to invest extravagantly in, communities of believers will become famous for having a culture of righteousness that extravagantly invests in kids to be wholehearted for Jesus. The kids of those who build night and day prayer will see this way of life as normal and will take it to a place their parents never dreamed…even forgoing marriage in order to not be distracted from the one who holds the keys to life in full. This will be the most on-fire and alive generation the planet has ever seen, and all we need to do to see this happen is pray and invest in this with our own time, money, and emotion.

4. Contend earnestly NOW to spread the Gospel with power – Signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the gospel in a generation of people who seek to love Jesus and their neighbors with all their heart, mind, soul and strength (time and money). The supernatural outpouring of miracles, increasing in depth day by day, risk by risk, will result in everyone who calls on the name of the Lord being saved. Mass salvations…1,000s at a hearing…will be common in the last years leading up to Jesus’ return, but only in places that have agreed with His good plan and prepared for it. Other locations will be desolate and will blaspheme God (accuse Him of not being good because of the trouble allowed to touch the planet). The wheat and tares are going to mature to fullness side by side until the day of the harvest. (Joel 2, Matthew 28, Matthew 13, Revelation 6 and 7)

5. Teach Revelation and the Sermon on the Mount as an end-time priority to a city – Understanding these two passages and their implications, and then walking them out now, while there is time to train your heart, is the "oil" Jesus was talking about filling your lamp with in Matthew 25. These are the only two places in the Bible with a promise for teaching and doing what these Books describe. These two portions of the Bible are interwoven. Revelation is the highest expression of “why” you would do the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount is THE answer to all the deficiencies of the 7 characteristic end-time churches in Revelation 2 and 3. You cannot understand either book without the other. (Revelation 2 and 3, Matthew 5,6, and 7)


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