Perfect Leadership

God's leadership is perfect. God is a never ending well of infinite beauty and satisfying revelation. He is never running out of new things He is doing and willing to include me in. My heart was made for eternity, and only God can satisfy my heart forever. Nothing less than infinite can satisfy a heart made for infinite existence.

God is the only thing you can never get too much of. Everything, and everyone, else has a limit of what they can give. The drug can only get you so high before it starts taking life from you. The boy or girl you hope to love can only give so much attention until the attention itself starts taking life from you. The house will only satisfy for a moment, and then simply becomes the place you live and your eye starts searching for what is next. The car, the clothes, the job, the family, the church...they all have their finite boundaries. God never runs out of new and fascinating things to reveal to me.

Because of love, God only "gives food to the hungry." If I have no appetite for God, He will not force me to eat. Love requires God patiently waits for me to desire more. But love also requires I patiently desire until I get more. This is the nature of love: it takes two to tango and no one forces anything. Both parties participating in love get and give what they want, in the time they desire. Time is a HUGE element to the whole operation of love. This is why patience is a fruit of the Spirit. God is love, and patience is a massive element of love.

Impatient "taking" from someone I desire to receive from violates love. God refuses to violate love. Patience is a fruit of His very presence. Patience is self control specifically in the area of timing. Impatience is a lack of self control with regard to timing. God gives only good things. Sometimes those good things come in scary or sloppy packages, but even the packaging, if correctly understood, is the wrapping of love. Most of the frustration humans feel when trying to trust God is actually born out of impatience. If I am honest about today, I have everything I need to make it through is impatience about what I might need in the future that frustrates me about God's timing.

The greatest accusation against God by His own people is that "He won't give me what I need or want." This is not true...ever.

The truth is, love requires everyone get exactly what they want...But, love is expressed by God in His patience to only give things in a time that is good. If something I want is bad for my life the way God sees it, God is often very slow in releasing it to me. It is a terrible thing to be given over to desire that doesn't agree with God. But, in the the final accounting...everyone will, in fact get exactly what their heart really wanted. To want anything more than complete satisfaction in God...the source of all to actually desire some measure of death. God is patient in not giving me any death before He absolutely must. But He is always quick to give me give me more of amounts and timing I can bear:

John 16:12-15 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.

Satan wants to frustrate my desire by introducing impatience into the equation. Resisting impatience will help me keep coming to the well of satisfaction, receiving what I can bear in this moment, fully savoring it. The little bit of revelation, wisdom, or power God gives today actually has the power to enlarge my heart to receive the next morsel, if I am faithful to correctly value and use what seems like a little bit today.

Mark 7:28 And she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.”

When the Samaritan woman said this, she wasn't saying she was willing to settle for a small thing or that she thought Jesus was stingy! No! She was acknowledging that even a crumb given from Jesus in the right moment was infinite in value. Any touch from God is still a touch from the infinite source of life. His crumbs are more powerful than the largest thing the world could offer!


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