
Isaiah 26:3. You, LORD, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.

If you have kept you purpose firm, decided that you are going to go after God and His plan for you with everything, now is time for part 2: put your trust in Him. If you don't have perfect peace, you are lacking one of these two!

Trust isn't a feeling. It is a choice. Choices become habits. God wants you to do the hard work of making the near-constant choices to trust now, so you can reap the perfect peace that comes from a habit of trust married to a firm purpose to go after God and all He has promised you.

God has a plan for you. I think of it like a new world of delight, and excitement, and wonder. You walk into this new world by agreeing with Him wholeheartedly, and then trusting Him in the very odd route He takes you on. First you need the firm resolve to follow Him...then you build the habit of trust. If I will really take a hold of this, there is no difference between me and Paul, John, Peter, or anyone else who has committed their entire being to chasing after God.


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