
Jesus said that one of the signs that would reveal the time for His return would be the "love of many growing cold.". When I watch the news it is easy to see this happening right before my eyes. The awful things many are willing to do to each other grows more intense by the year.

Crimes against the children that would have been unfathomable 20 years ago are now barely newsworthy, and the stories of mom's and dad's killing their entire families are unfortunately not uncommon anymore. Shooting rampages in workplaces and schools happen with alarming regularity. The love of many has, in fact, grown cold.

Not only did Jesus say the love of many would grow cold, He said that as the time of His return drew near, the love of those that were His...that remained in Him and He in them...their love would increase. Jesus said this dramatic difference between the world's love growing cold and our love increasing would be a powerful witness to who He is!

Love is one of the most misused words in our culture. For at least the last three generations, we have been programmed to think that, at best, love is a feeling, and at worst, the greed and lust are actually love.

Love isn't a feeling, it is a choice. It is actually when we choose love without a good emotional reason that it is most powerful. Doing good to the person that is always crappy to you, or the one who never notices kindness, those are the choices that change the world around you. Genuinely complimenting the boastful woman at work, or carrying something for the selfish guy who never helps anyone...those are the choices for love that most offend the senses and reveal Jesus. Jesus said any reasonable person loves his own friends and family, but very few will love their enemies. He didn't say we have to generate a false emotion of love, He wants us to make choices of love.

We are approaching the point in human history where the differences between those who know Jesus and those who don't will be most dramatic. Jesus seriously loved me when I was least lovable. He doesn't ask me to do anything He doesn't do Himself. If I will ask Him, He will put the strength to chose love in my heart. Then day by day, interaction by interaction, choice by choice, I can represent Him as the bright light He is...shining in an ever darkening world.

The person resisting or offending me today is almost certainly the one Jesus most wants to impact with His love through me!

John 13:34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."


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