Free Will

I have been given the reins of my desire. I can steer my heart to whatever I like. This is free will and everyone has it.

The choices we make have real outcomes, real consequences, real rewards, and real cost.

When I have focused my desire on me, or earthly stuff, I have been satisfied for a moment, only to find that my hunger for more eventually overtakes my ability to produce the experience, and frustration results. The cost of trying to satisfy an eternal soul with temporary pleasure is extreme frustration and ultimately the death of my spirit.

I have tasted a little bit of the reward of pointing my desire towards communion with God...actually spending time with Him. Joy results when I talk to God, not just talk about Him, or request things from Him, but spend time enjoying His presence, and caring about the things He is about. Speaking and listening to the Genesis 1 Creator is satisfying. The eternal God knows perfectly how to captivate and satisfy the eternal soul that He created!

The same God who allows me to steer my desire anywhere I like, rewards me with pure joy when I actually choose to steer my desire towards Him.

Counterfeit pleasures...or even fine things like tv, movies, hobbies, and interests, constantly try to take the space in my heart, and the time in my day, from God. Even the best of these sorts of things are weak and temporary. They can't hold my attention for long. But God, the source of true joy, is a satisfying, kind, and consuming fire. The more I will give Him, the more He will take. The more of my heart and desire He occupies, the more real, lasting, and growing joy I experience. Happiness comes from keeping my mind occupied with good things. Growing, fiery, consuming joy comes from keeping my mind occupied with God.

If I can remember to train my gaze on Him first and longest, the fire inside my heart for Him starts to build. I want to learn to keep my focus on Him longer and longer. Everything else leaves me unsatisfied in the end.

I was made for heaven. By definition, heaven is where God is, and He has issued an open invitation for me to focus my desire on time with Him! I want to live in heaven in my heart now, I don't want to wait until I die to start living with God!

Psalm 63:1 O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you.

My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. 2 I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory.

3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!

4 I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. 5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy.


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