The Truth About Worry

It seems like there is so much for me to get accomplished right now. When I think ahead even a week, or so, I feel unsure how I will get it all done. I was praying about it this morning, and felt God say to my heart "you felt this way last week when you thought ahead to this week."

This is true, when I consider my worries last week, they were focused on how to accomplish what I had to do this week. Sure enough, everything is getting done this week. This week is no longer the source of my has moved on to next week!

God's point was this: If I look ahead, I will always worry about the uncertainty of next week, or tomorrow, or next year. Even though the vast majority of my life history of faith...says the everything will be fine, if I let my mind wander to what might happen next, worry takes the place of faith.

If you feel like I did this morning, I believe the Lord would say to you: I have carried you every day of your life. I know what you can, and cannot handle. I have never given you more than you can handle. Trust me and find the joy of a life connected to me. Don't let the enemy shake you with his lies about tomorrow. I OWN tomorrow!

(Matthew 6:34) "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.


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