
Jesus said what comes out of our mouth reflects what is in our heart. There is a powerful connection between our heart and our mouth.

This works both ways. When we worship God, what we say/sing with our mouths is formed or strengthened in our heart. Ethan the Ezrahite (one of the wisest men of his time) said it like this:

Psalm 89:15 How happy are the people who worship you with songs,

who live in the light of your kindness!

16 Because of you they rejoice all day long,

and they praise you for your goodness.

17 You give us great victories;

in your love you make us triumphant.

When you worship God, you step from the darkness of the trouble that is found in every life, into the "light of God's presence.". In this light, we see things from God's perspective. No trouble is bigger than Him. We actually strengthen our heart with truth in worship. The light of His presence can overcome all darkness.

If you feel the darkness of trouble today, you can step into the light of His presence and be made strong in the truth of God's awesome reputation of being perfectly powerful, loving and strong...all by singing a song! The wisdom of God's kingdom is so contrary to the wisdom of the world...but taste and see if it is true.


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