The New Song

There is a fulfillment of prophecy happening right now that very few notice. It is an aspect to Jesus' plan to return that is described throughout the Bible, Old Testament, and New, that most people have never heard of. It is one of the most exciting truths of Jesus' return that you can actually watch happening right now. Often, when I talk about it, people look at me like I'm crazy! That is ok. If you have never heard about it, it seems like such a bizarre notion, but it is currently taking shape all over the earth, on every is the rising up of the "new song."

Psalm 98:1 Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory. 2 The Lord has made known His salvation; His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations.

This "new song" refers to a global worship movement, but the worship is really a prayer and worship movement. It is prayer set to music. The Bible describes a 24/7 prayer and worship movement rising up across the earth. If you google "house of prayer" "HOP" or "prayer furnace" you will see they are EVERYWHERE, and more and more are being added to the numbers every month!

Isaiah 42 tells us it will be from coast to coast and from the "ends of the earth." This "new song" rises up out of the earth at the same time God's judgment is poured out on earth. Every time you see the word "new song" in Psalms or Isaiah, it is in the context of Jesus' plan to drive evil off the planet being executed. Earthly kings go to war with earthly weapons and might, the armies of God have literally gone to war with worshipers in the front from the very beginning. Every time the worshipers led the Israelites into battle, they won by the power of God. Jesus' last end time battle against evil is no different.

If you look at the Revelation of Jesus Christ (that is the full name of the book of Revelation) you will see His plans are laid out clearly: seals, trumpets, and bowls...all in order, all numbered. This is the end-time worship movement's song book...her prayer list. Just like Moses released God's judgment over Pharaoh at God's direction, this end-time worship movement will pray-to-song Jesus' judgments. Talk about intense.

This new song has already started. You can see 24-hour prayer with music being tried out, and established, all over the world right now. The worship music is the key ingredient. Night and day prayer is being set to music. It is one of the most amazing signs of the times we live in, and almost no one notices it or understands what it means! Now is the time to learn how to sing.


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